Vision & Core Principles

Evergreen remains focused on the acquisition and redevelopment of older publically assisted affordable properties. We have a strong track record, sound financial base, and have formed excellent relationships with lenders, investors, and public officials. Evergreen is well established as a preferred partner for investors seeking solid opportunities and for community advocates seeking constructive change in challenging properties. Our capabilities and the strength of our affiliated property manager, PMI, enable Evergreen to confidently pursue a wide array of opportunities, including those that require dramatic physical and/or operational turnarounds. We intend to grow our portfolio steadily by undertaking transactions that give us an opportunity to make a real impact, fixing problems and creating good stable homes for low and moderate income households.

Our stakeholders include residents, employees, business partners, financial partners, regulators, local officials and neighbors. We work hard to adhere to some key principles as we carry out our business every day;

• Create the best possible results at the property level by carefully assessing issues and opportunities, working creatively with our development team, and making optimal use of limited resources.

• Follow through on our commitments so that the confidence shown in Evergreen by resource allocators, financial partners and communities is well earned and sustained.

• Represent the affordable housing industry well in order to improve prospects for the continued and expanded dedication of public resources to the housing challenges faced by low income families and seniors.

We intend to grow our portfolio on a steady basis by understanding transactions that give us the opportunity to make a real impact, fixing problems and creating good stable homes for low and moderate income residents.